Electric issues prevention

Any production in heavy industry is associated with extreme use of electricity. Power, current and voltage in production areas not only pose a threat to personnel, but in some cases, such as an electric arc flash, destroy equipment, lead to fire, loss of life and damage to the environment. At the same time, the development of production requires the replacement, renewal of equipment, and the addition of capacities. Often this happens without changing the power of the electric drive. This leads to an overload of the power supply of the industrial complex and entails possible accidents. Timely analysis of the enterprise electrical capacities helps to predict future problems and prevent them.

The ”VEGA PLUS” company has been working in the metallurgical industry for many years and our specialists have extensive experience in planning and implementing electrical equipment for industrial facilities.

Компанія Вега плюс - Профілактика аварій, пов’язаних з електрикою

We provide consulting and practical assistance in monitoring, predicting and preventing electrical incidents such as arc flash. JSC “VEGA PLUS” will help to maintain the safety of production by the following steps:

  • Detailed study of the electrical supply of an industrial facility;
  • Analysis of power networks and their compliance with the installed equipment parameters;
  • Training of personnel to identify signs of electrical accidents and actions in extreme situations;
  • Development and implementation of a management system taking into account possible risks;
  • Development of a plan for the modernization of equipment and electrical capacities, if necessary.

Prevention of accidents related to the electrical supply of industrial facilities is the key to efficient operation, reduce of equipment failure, damage, human casualties and environmental damage.

We`re always open for contact!

Get advice on the prevention of accidents related to electricity from the specialists of the ''VEGA PLUS'' company