Energy efficiency improvement

Energy is the blood of any production. It is necessary, but constantly rising in price. Generation, transmission, use, and disposal of energy is becoming more expensive due to external factors in an unstable market, climate change, and regional conflicts. Therefore, the issue of optimizing energy costs is the main one in the business plans of industrial enterprises.

The “VEGA PLUS” company has been working with the enterprises of the metallurgical industry for many years. Our experts deeply understand the production processes in the industry and have energy-saving techniques backed up by experience. JSC “VEGA PLUS” will help reduce utility costs in general and optimize operations with all types of energy used in your production complex.

Компанія Вега Плюс - Підвищення енергоефективності

The company’s specialists provide consulting services for optimizing production energy consumption on the following cases:

  • Analysis of the production process. Our specialists will study the architecture of your production and the patterns of energy supply and consumption;
  • Site inspection. On site, our specialists, together with your staff, will analyze the actual state of energy distribution and consumption and draw up an initial optimization plan;
  • Road map. If the optimization of energy use requires the creation of additional automation systems or the renewal or replacement of equipment, these requirements will be included in the detailed optimization plan;
  • Additional reserves. If the production has the possibility of independent generation or cogeneration of energy for own needs, we will develop a project for integrating our own capacities into the production complex;
  • Disposal. Our experts will consider the possibility of optimizing the disposal of waste energy carriers, taking into account environmental protection;
  • Report. Based on these operations, a report will be created on recommendations for energy consumption optimization and calculations of expected bonuses from the implementation of these measures;
  • Implementation. JSC “VEGA PLUS” has extensive experience in the development and implementation of automation systems, so our specialists, using modern solutions from leading equipment manufacturers, will carry out the entire range of measures to implement the changes indicated in the energy efficiency report.

Realities dictate new challenges to industrialists. Global climate change, demands for decarbonization and reduction of emissions, digitalization and virtualization of production processes – this requires a quick response, because only this will give an advantage to competitors.

The management of an enterprise often does not have enough time and resources to quickly respond to all these changes. Therefore, it is necessary to entrust the updating of the production process to professionals who are always in the center of events and instantly respond to all changes.

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Get advice on energy efficiency improvement from VEGA PLUS specialists