Processes safety

Safety is the main criterion of production efficiency. And this is reasonable, because any security incidents bring direct and indirect losses that affect the cost of the final product. To prevent problems, it is necessary to pay excessive attention to the safety of the production process. And for this, the management of any enterprise must assess the degree of acceptable risks.

The safety of production has become the subject of public control, regulated by many direct or indirect rules and controlled by independent organizations. The assessment of production safety is carried out by a number of external experts.

Firstly, these are the conditions for using the equipment declared by the manufacturers.

Secondly, the requirements of recognized international rules for the safety of production;

Thirdly, industry, regional, state requirements set out in regulations and laws. Also, a safety assessment can be carried out by independent experts commissioned by the management of the enterprise, trade unions or regulatory organizations.

The “VEGA PLUS” company has the necessary powers, resources and many years of experience in the examination of production safety. We have:

  • Deep understanding of production processes;
  • Knowledge and experience in industrial automation;
  • Expert level of work with safety systems.
Компанія Вега Плюс безпека виробничих процесів

We are ready:

  • Inspect the safety status and risk level of an industrial facility;
  • Conduct safety reviews of industrial complexes;
  • Train staff and check the level of their training;
  • To help the company’s specialists or conduct risk studies using the HAZOP, LOPA methods on their own or as part of a group of specialists;
  • Check the compliance of the equipment with the requirements of SIL certificates, as well as help in the certification of customer tools and devices;
  • Integrate blocking and alarm programs on the basic process control system (BPCS) into any customer control and monitoring systems;
  • Conduct commissioning and monitoring of security systems after auditing and updating hardware and software;
  • Notify plant management and key personnel of changes and updates to industry security protocols.

Entrust risk control in the operation of your equipment and personnel to ”VEGA PLUS”, professionals and experts in industrial safety issues.

We`re always open for contact!

Get advice on the safety of production processes from the specialists of the company ''VEGA PLUS''